Freshagenda Now on Insights

We Help You Understand Global Food Markets

Our food industry advisors help you analyze and interpret market and supply chain conditions in several sectors.

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Making decisions based on global food market pricing?

Does your business depend on you to know supply chain dynamics from farm to consumer domestically and internationally?

Ever.Ag Insights analyzes global food market behaviors to provide businesses with insight and data into the important decisions they need to make.

Our team of food industry advisors have a working commercial understanding of market dynamics affecting key agrifood sectors and supply chains. We monitor major market trends that impact the food industry, including a strong focus on dairy and extensive experience in meat protein, grain and oilseeds.

What is FreshAgenda?

FreshAgenda offers comprehensive analysis of global dairy markets.

We underpin the platform with our unique Dairy Trade Simulator tool that offers dynamic modelling and analysis. The DTS contains all significant fundamental data from both historical and forecast perspectives. Clients can licence DTS as part of the service.

A dynamic rolling global market outlook emerges from continuous monitoring of global developments, updating our two-year outlook each month.

What’s different about this approach?
Forward-looking analysis in an increasingly complex world requires a sound basis for assessing risks and opportunities using a dynamic simulation framework, informed by insights and judgements on variables that impact the outlook.

Global Dairy Directions provides analysis of market fundamentals based on supply and demand variables that drive commodity prices over time.

Our approach is holistic. It takes a global view of dairy markets, influences across major regions, and accounts for milk from farm to wholesale markets.

The platform offers full transparency. Users access the DTS assumptions and formulae, that can adjust based on user opinion and intel.

We account for our track record, through comparisons of projected fundamentals and actual prices, offering a performance assessment.

Create better business strategies based on market insights.


Capture comparative analysis, supply chain efficiency, market entry or extension strategies, and value-capture models.


Engage with relevant analysis through industry and commercial data and forecasts.


Craft better strategies through better understanding short-term and long-term market forces


Receive results in highly visual formats.

Our clients include various food industry sectors and value chains:

Dairy Processors & Manufacturers



Cotton Processors

Dairy industry Advocacy Groups


Government Departments


Investment Funds

Advisory Services

Stay Current on Market Trends to Build Business Strategies Accordingly

Advisory services provide insight into current dairy market trends and explore “what if” scenarios. Whether a producer or a processor, you will develop and execute appropriate hedging strategies.
Forecast the dairy market outlook
Receive industry-leading dairy market analysis
White Glove Services

Accelerate Your Business With More Options to Manage Risk

Provide more opportunities for your clients while accelerating your business. From plant margin management, inventory or yield programs, white glove services give more choices to manage risk and receive quantifiable results.

Offers convenient hedging services to your client base
Manages risk between regulated costs and sales

Get in Touch

Our team is ready to help you with any questions.